Hello Everyone Welcome back to our next blog post. Today I have written a blog on a topic which comes at least once, in our lifetime. All of us have thought about it.
Most of us would also have received lots of advice in relation to this. This blog is about career or job and the importance of following your passion. I hope all of you will enjoy this blog post so let’s start..!!
A career has a natural progression, you’ll build up skills, and will be promoted to higher levels within a company.
Whereas a job is something which pays to you for your work contribution and it might be not necessarily enjoyable or interesting. You might not develop the level of skill you would as part of a job, and it can feel like you’re stuck in a job you don’t enjoy.
The real difference between a job and a career is your attitude. Most careers start with education. Many people work as a job because they don’t have the education or they have not got proper training which needed to enter into the career, though jobs can certainly turn into careers, regardless of the type of employment. Career is all about to building an advancing your job skills and experience and knowledge.
The main difference between a career and a job is a career in the broad sense is about setting long-term goals to achieve a greater good in life whereas a job is just going to work to earn a paycheck. A career is where you plan your every step towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself, which is not the case in a job. The majority of us can get a job with very little education, but the right education is the building block of a career.
In the end, you have to think about is your work experience and education leading to you somewhere or not? Or are you just going from one job to another job with no plan?
Well, undeniably the truth is all of us want a source of income, want to stable our life, one to run our lives. This is one thing that we are constantly reminding, since our childhood. But what about passion? Which is better? Having a job or having a career? We only think about the source of income. About our lives. But we don’t think about our dreams, about our passion. You have to think in the way like, if we take our job (Dream Job) as a career then it is more enjoyable and beneficial to us as well as for our company.
At the last When you start your career you must have to think on some of these few questions that
Are we really passionate about everything we do?
What are we really passionate about?
Are we really interested to do this job?
When do we feel passionate?
When engaged in our hobbies?
And if we are not really passionate about what we do, how can we incorporate passion into our life?
Conclusion :
Never sacrifice your dream because of the old society economic strategies. Set your goal, focus on it and try to achieve it. This could be more helpful to achieve your dream, your goal, your lives, and also for a great career. Don’t only do a job make a job as your career.
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